MPS email is the district’s preferred communication for emailing pay stubs, notifications of account setup, and sending and receiving communication to and from those outside the district. Go to to sign in or use the link to the Gmail web app located on the MPS website ( Select Employee on the main navigation menu, then under Daily Essentials, select MPS Mail or logging in for the first time, submit a tech request or call the tech office at 857-4429. Your user name is your, and your Google Password. Once you log in you will be prompted to personalize your password and setup 2-Step Verification to help secure your account.
Your email account and access to MPS accounts is available to you until your last day of employment.
Signing into Gmail|2-Step Verification|Gmail overview [video]|Composing messages Gmail [video]|Gmail Settings [video]|Mass Delete Conversation [video]|Set up Gmail with Outlook on a PC or Mac|Setup Gmail with Apple Mail|Add an email account to your iPhone or iPad | Email Tips and Tricks