About the Program

4 years ago

The Minot Public Schools Students In Transition (formerly Homeless Children and Youth Program) began in 1989 under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. It is jointly funded through the McKinney-Vento grant and Title I funds. In conjunction with school district staff and non-profit agencies throughout the community, the program is dedicated to identifying and working with children and youth experiencing transition in the form of homelessness. Our mission is to advocate for equity and equality, remove barriers that may hinder student success, and offer support to meet student needs. Our goal is to keep students in school, to help them grow academically and attain their full  potential.

For more information, contact our Students in Transition Team

Polly Sivertson, Coordinator


Harry Summers, Assistant


Office Location

Minot Adult Learning Center

1609 4th Ave NW

Minot, ND