Summer School Info


Physical Science, Biology, and Drivers Education will be May 29th - June 21st, 2024.**

**All other classes will be June 3rd, 2024 - June 21st, 2024

AM Class Schedule: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

PM Class Schedule: Monday-Friday 12:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Students interested in Drivers Education should contact Mrs. Lori Ashley at Central Campus 857-4624. STUDENTS MUST BE CURRENTLY ENROLLED IN HIGH SCHOOL TO ENROLL IN DRIVERS ED. INCOMING FRESHMAN MAY NOT ENROLL IN DRIVERS ED.

Beginning Sophomores may take any elective or any freshman required course.

Students may not take required courses early or prior to their normal placement in the progression to graduation without permission from their principal.

Students are only allowed to miss 6 hours of class time per class taken, whether excused or unexcused.

Welcome to Summer School 2024 - Minot High School Magic City Campus

Summer School Dates: May 29th, 2024 - June 21st, 2024.

AM class schedule: M-F (8:00am-12:00pm) PM class schedule: M-F (12:30pm-4:30pm)

Summer School is open to all students who were in grades 8-12 during the 2023-2024 school year.

Summer School will be in-person at Minot High School Magic City Campus. Drivers Ed will be taught at Jim Hill Middle School. Science and Drivers Ed will be May 29th through June 21st. JROTC will be July 8 - July 12. The JROTC Summer Program is open to those students currently enrolled in JROTC.

Daily attendance will be taken and students are only allowed to miss 6 hours of time per class taken, whether excused or unexcused.

Contact your school counselor if you are interested in summer school.

Central Campus: Mrs. Krueger -

Mrs. Halverson -

Mrs. Stai -

Magic City Campus: Mrs. Lunde -

Ms. Schindler -

Mrs. Sundahl - Souris River: Mrs. Brisson -

Current 8th Grade Students - Contact your school counselor if you are interested in summer school. Erik Ramstad: 701-857-4466 Jim Hill: 701-857-4477 Memorial: 701-727-3300

If you any questions, please contact Mr. Brian Aufforth, Principal at (701)857-4496 or Mrs. Jackie Winczewski, Administrative Assistant at (701)857-4501.

AM Classes 8:00 -12:00

Language Arts 9 (Semester 1) Language Arts 10 (Semester 1) Language Arts 11 (Semester 1) Language Arts 11 (Semester 2) World History I (Semester 1) US History I (Semester 1) American Government Economics Biology (Semester 1) Physical Science I (Semester 1) Algebra I (Semester 1)

Intro to Algebra (Semester 1)

Conclusions to Algebra (Semester 1)

PM Classes 12:30-4:30

Language Arts 9 (Semester 2) Language Arts 10 (Semester 2) World History (Semester 2) US History (Semester 2) Economics American Government Physical Science (Semester 2) Biology (Semester 2) Algebra I (Semester 2)

Intro to Algebra (Semester 2)

Conclusions to Algebra (Semester 2)