Enrollment Services Staff
District Enrollment

ENROLLMENT FOR GRADES K-12 for the 2024-25 school year will continue through the end of the school year.

At Minot Public Schools, students attend schools based on the area in which they live. Boundaries are set for elementary, middle and high schools. To determine what your school district is please us the boundary map at Map My School


Enrollment will be a three-step process.

The pre-registration will require you to choose the school in which you are enrolling your student. After the pre-registration form is submitted, it will be reviewed by District Office staff.

Step 1:

  • Instructions for using Boundary Map
  • Verify the school your child will attend with your current physical address at Map My School

Step 2:

Step 3:

  • After your Pre-Registration is approved, you will receive an email with instructions on how to create your PowerSchool Parent account  (if you already have an account – it will provide instructions on how to add the new student to your existing PowerSchool Parent Account) -This email will arrive within 1 business day after submitting the Pre-Registration Form. If you do not see it in your inbox, make sure to check your junk/spam folder. If you have not received an email within 48 hours please contact enrollment at 701-857-4444 or email at Enrollment@minot.k12.nd.us
  • Log into your PowerSchool Parent account and click on FORMS. Complete and submit each form, and upload your documents.

Required Documents

If you have any questions, feel free to contact MPS Enrollment at 701-857-4444.   Office Hours: Monday - Friday 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM

215 2nd Street SE Minot, ND 58701 enrollment@minot.k12.nd.us Phone: 701-857-4444 Fax: 701-857-4472

Kindergarten Enrollment 2025/26

Minot Public Schools is excited to welcome students to the Kindergarten class for the 2025-26 school year! The approximate first day of school August 20, 2025. 

Your child must be age 5 by July 31, 2025 to attend school in the fall.

NOTE:  Please complete the enrollment process by July 31, 2025 to insure a higher  probability of the student attending their boundary school. Due to capacity limitations, those who wait too long may be placed in a different school and required to wait until the following year to be enrolled in their boundary school.

Parents are able to complete enrollment online. The registration process should take approximately 20-30 minutes per student. We recommend collecting the following REQUIRED documents prior to beginning the online registration process.  We request that you complete the registration process within two weeks. 

  • Parent/Guardian photo ID
  • Proof of Age -  - State Birth Certificate, Passport, School Record with proof of Age, Hospital Record, Baptismal record or other official document with proof of Age
  • Copy of Immunization Record – Current Immunization records
  • The Doctor's office/clinic can fax them to the district office
  • If immunizations are not up to date we can enroll with the current immunization records, once shots are updated you can turn in to the school/ district office.
  •  If you need an exemption form we have those available, please contact me at alexis.perez@minot.k12.nd.us or call at 701-857-4444
  • Custody/guardianship paperwork (if applicable)
  • Proof of Residence A utility bill (from within 60 days), lease agreement, mortgage statement, rental/homeowners insurance, or Ward County Tax Document in YOUR NAME.
  •  If you do not have one of those in your name please reach out to me for a Residency Affidavit.
  • If you live on MAFB we can use your military ID or Orders as a Proof of Residency

Now you are ready to begin! Please follow these steps using a computer NOT A SMARTPHONE

Verify the school your child will attend with your current physical address at Map My School

  1. Complete the Kindergarten_Pre-Registration_
  2. Once your pre-registration is approved, you will receive an email with instructions on how to create your PowerSchool Parent account  (if you already have an account – it will provide instructions on how to add the new student to your existing PowerSchool Parent Account) -This email will arrive within 1 business day after submitting the Pre Register Form. If you do not see it in your inbox, make sure to check your junk/spam folder. If you have not received an email within 48 hours  please contact Alexis Perez at 701-857-4444 or email at alexis.perez@minot.k12.nd.us
  3. Log into your PowerSchool Parent account and click on FORMS. Complete and submit each form, and upload your REQUIRED documents.
  4. After submitting all forms and uploads, remember to check out the Kindergarten Orientation document located on the 2025-26 Kindergarten Enrollment page for more information.

SUGGESTIONS for uploading documents:

  • when uploading do not condense the document, upload as normal size
  • when naming a document DO NOT use special characters like apostrophe, commas or quotation marks.  Periods and dashes are acceptable
  • If you cannot upload the documents either email to enrollment@minot.k12.nd.us or bring them to the district office located at 215 2nd St SE - Hours Mon-Fri  8a to 4:30p during the school year 7:30a to 4:30p Mon-Thurs 7:30 to 1:30 Fri during the summer break.
Address Changes

If you move and have a student in Minot Public we will need a new proof of residency to update the address for your student.

Please either email to enrollment@minot.k12.nd.us or bring in or send the Proof of Residence with your child to school.  Please list all student names on the document to ensure each school update the address.

 Acceptable forms of Proof of Residence (1 of the following)

  • Utility Bill (current to within the last 60 days)

  • Home mortgage statement

  • Home purchase agreement

  • Homeowners/rental insurance policy---not car or medical insurance

  • Ward County Property Tax Statement

  • Rental/Lease Agreement

Unacceptable forms of Proof of Residence (will not be accepted as proof)

  • Driver’s License

  • Bank account/credit card information

  • US mail  (other than a utility bill)

  • Personal taxes

  • Payroll check

  • Handwritten note/Phone call

If you are living with someone and need a residency affidavit please contact the school or district office to receive that form.

Frequently Asked Questions

I do not live in the Minot Public School District, but I want my student to attend Minot Public. What is that process?

Understanding open enrollment and a tuition waivers

We are living with someone else and do not have a proof of residence in my name, how do we complete enrollment?

  • We have a form that can be emailed or picked up at the district office and will need to be completed by both you and the person you live with. We will the need a proof of residence in their name.

My student does not turn 5 until after the cut off and I want them to attend Kindergarten, is that possible?

  • There is an application for early entrance into kindergarten, those are available at the District office.

I want my student to attend a school we are not zoned for, where do I put in that request?

  • Put that request in on your Pre-Registration form, you will be contacted to verify that request.

I do not have access to a computer or tablet to complete the enrollment. How can I get it completed?

  • Please contact the district office at either 701-857-4400 or 701-857-4444 to set up an appointment to complete the enrollment